! BULGARIAN CITIZENS ONLY ! Top Senior Officers for Tanker and Chemical Tanker vessels
! BULGARIAN CITIZENS ONLY ! FOR OUR CYPRUS / NETHERLANDS PRINCIPAL 1. Short Description: TANKER VESSELS: VLCC, AFRAMAX, PANAMAX; Build in South Korea and Japan; DWT: 75 000 – 319 000; Flag: Cyprus; Engine Types: MAN B&W MC or SULZER RTA 2. Contract Duration: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer and 2nd Engineer: 3 or 4 +/- 1 months 3. Terms, Conditions and Requirements: I.) Master candidates for VLCC, AFRAMAX, PANAMAX TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 11 770 USD (up to 13 210 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language and service on similar vessels is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. II.) Master candidates for HANDYSIZE, CHEMICAL & PRODUCT TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 12 620 USD (up to 14 060 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language and service on similar vessels is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. Master Rejoining Bonus per month = 500 USD is paid after sucessull completition of the COE and declaring availability for next employment with the company within 2 months after disembarcation. Master Full Loyalty Bonus = 4 480 USD after 5 years and Half Loyalty Bonus = 2 240 USD after 3 years of sea service in company. Paid lumpsum each time after sucessull completition of 4 months COE and consistently good evaluations from company. Additional Pre – promotion and severance pay bonuses are available. III.) Chief Officer candidates for VLCC, AFRAMAX, PANAMAX TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 9 760 USD (up to 10 160 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language and service on similar vessels is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. IV.) Chief Officer candidates for HANDYSIZE, CHEMICAL & PRODUCT TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 10 450 USD (up to 10 850 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language and service on similar vessels is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. Chief Officer Rejoining Bonus per month = 410 USD is paid after sucessull completition of the COE and declaring availability for next employment with the company within 2 months after disembarcation. Chief Officer Full Loyalty Bonus = 3 700 USD after 5 years and Half Loyalty Bonus = 1 850 USD after 3 years of sea service in company. Paid lumpsum each time after sucessull completition of 4 months COE and consistently good evaluations from company. Additional Pre – promotion and severance pay bonuses are available. V.) Chief Engineer candidates for VLCC, AFRAMAX, PANAMAX TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 11 340 USD (up to 12 660 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language, service on similar vessels and type of engine is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. VI.) Chief Engineer candidates for HANDYSIZE, CHEMICAL & PRODUCT TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 12 160 USD (up to 13 480 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language, service on similar vessels and type of engine is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. Chief Engineer Rejoining Bonus per month = 480 USD is paid after sucessull completition of the COE and declaring availability for next employment with the company within 2 months after disembarcation. Chief Engineer Full Loyalty Bonus = 4 320 USD after 5 years and Half Loyalty Bonus = 2 160 USD after 3 years of sea service in company. Paid lumpsum each time after sucessull completition of 4 months COE and consistently good evaluations from company. Additional Pre – promotion and severance pay bonuses are available. VII.) 2nd Engineer candidates for VLCC, AFRAMAX, PANAMAX TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 9 760 USD (up to 10 160 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language, service on similar vessels and type of engine is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. VIII.) 2nd Engineer candidates for HANDYSIZE, CHEMICAL & PRODUCT TANKERS: Competitive monthly Salaries starting from 10 450 USD (up to 10 850 USD – with highest Seniority bonuses per year of service). Very Good level of English language, service on similar vessels and type of engine is required. References from previous Employers are counting as advantage. 2nd Engineer Rejoining Bonus per month = 410 USD is paid after sucessull completition of the COE and declaring availability for next employment with the company within 2 months after disembarcation. 2nd Engineer Full Loyalty Bonus = 3 700 USD after 5 years and Half Loyalty Bonus = 1 850 USD after 3 years of sea service in company. Paid lumpsum each time after sucessull completition of 4 months COE and consistently good evaluations from company. Additional Pre – promotion and severance pay bonuses are available.We offer long term career, social benefits opportunity and attractive salaries payable in USD, seniority bonus per year of sea service.